Your complete BriATM set.. Granite Griller, Temp-Dome and Broad Cleaver knife.
We chose granite, because:
It will give you a grill that is free of gas, rust or any strange aftertastes.
Granite will give you an even heat, but it requires at least 20 minutes of preheating before putting your preferred chunk of meat onto the granite griller.
Under normal coal temperature of +/- 400C, the granite will operate at around +/- 200C which creates the perfect temperature for a cut of meat to rest on without scorching the outside, but the higher temperature that radiates through the gaps of the granite will get your meat tender on the inside.
The Granite will hold its temperature even when the coals start to lose temperature.
When placing the Temp-Dome on your BriATM, you will be able to create a temperature of +/- 150C around the meat.
The Temp-Dome was designed specifically to be open on the sides, to capture the heat from escaping, ,but still creating an airflow to avoid the meat from sweating.
Thus for the first time being able to create an almost “oven like” experience on an open fire and this opens up a whole new world of unique “braaiing” experience.
Your “hand forged” Broad cleaver is made from 3mm 80CRV2 steel and Kalahari Hardwood handle, was created for Bragging and will impress many a friend. Whether cutting through your perfectly prepared cut of meat on the BriATM or cleaving through bone of delicious ribs – This beast can handle it all.
Finally, your BriATM is not a 5-min “braaiing” tool. Your BriATM was made with 2 things in mind:
To give good quality meat the respect it deserves and to put the joy and relaxation back in “Braaiing”.