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The moody and mighty Thamserku, towering above #Na…

The moody and mighty Thamserku, towering above #NamcheBazaar in Eastern Nepal. The first ascent of the 6,608-metre peak was made in 1964 from the south by members of Edmund Hillary’s Schoolhouse Expedition. To watch how Apa Sherpa, who was friends with Sir Edmund HIllary, aims to brings his own version of schoolhouse expeditions to rural Nepal, be sure to watch ‘Loved by All – The Story of Apa Sherpa’ on Sherpas Vimeo Channel, May 28, 2018. Shot by Eric Crosland Sherpas Cinema Thule Apa Sherpa Foundation. Score by @Jacob Yoffee #lovedbyall #thulecrew #apasherpa